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HTML5 Boilerplate is the professional badass's base HTML/CSS/JS template for a fast, robust and future-proof site.

After more than two years in iterative development, you get the best of the best practices baked in: cross-browser normalization, performance optimizations, even optional features like cross-domain ajax and flash. A starter apache .htaccess config file hooks you the eff up with caching rules and preps your site to serve HTML5 video, use @font-face, and get your gzip zipple on.

Boilerplate is not a framework, nor does it prescribe any philosophy of development, it's just got some tricks to get your project off the ground quickly and right-footed.

Like a lot of developers, we start every HTML project with the same set of HTML and CSS templates. We've been using these files for a long time and we've progressively added bits and pieces to them as our own personal best practices have evolved.

Now that modern browsers are starting to support some of the really useful parts of HTML5 and CSS3, it's time for an update, and we thought we'd put it out there for everyone to use. By no means do we see this as the end-all and beat-all, but we think it's a fairly good starting place that anyone can take and make their own.

Designing an HTML email that renders consistently across the major email clients can be very time consuming. Support for even simple CSS varies considerably between clients, and even different versions of the same client.

We’ve put together this guide to save you the time and frustration of figuring it out for yourself. With 23 different email clients tested, we cover all the popular applications across desktop, web and mobile email.

Since my knowledge of CSS3 is fairly shoddy, I decided to create and release a CSS3 “click chart” or “help chart” (for lack of a better term) that displays examples of some of the newest features in CSS. The initial release only has 8 examples, with more to be added in the future. Each example visually displays the CSS3 feature, with a clickable heading that opens a box at the bottom of the page for information on that particular feature. The box that opens gives a description along with browser support, an external link (usually W3C info), and some example syntax taken from the CSS of the page itself.

When I asked myself why people visit my sites, and the ones that I make for other people, the answer was always for the content. Content that is almost always written words and that means type.

That is why I'm now advocating to my clients (and to you), that where feasible, not to waste hours in time and a client's money on lengthy workarounds in an unnecessary attempt at cross-browser perfection. Instead, you and I should provide simple but effectively designed HTML elements. This means great typography for headings, paragraphs, quotations, lists, tables and forms and no styling of layout.

Applications developed on Titanium integrate your code with native APIs into a tightly integrated app that can be deployed cross-platform.


Titanium applications are divided into 4 main parts: the html/css/javascript code that makes up the core application logic, the APIs that access native device/desktop functionality, analytics or other modular functionality, the language-OS bridge that compiles web code into native application code, and the run-time shell that packages the application for cross-platform distribution.

I needed something totally w3c compliant, valid xhtml, flexible and simple. Something which would allow me to rearrange the whole template within minutes, move CMS generated elements around in no time without any impact on css like changing element widths for instance. It seems I managed to find a solution that meets all the criteria and now I would like to share it with you.

A table is the right solution when we need one or more box to stretch beyond the natural (content-determined) size, depending on the size of sibling boxes.

As almost all of the grid-based designs I could list off at that time were rigidly fixed-width, I was left with a prickly question: how do you create a fluid grid?

As it turns out, it’s simply a matter of context.

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