
Dewpoint is a command line tool for interacting with cloud servers.

Usage: dewpoint [options] ...


create-node Create a new node

destroy-node Destroy an existing node

find-node Find an existing node by name

list-nodes List all existing nodes

list-sizes List all valid server sizes

list-images List all available server images

help Return more detailed help on command

I was going to write something like this myself (for an experimental fully automated continuous deployment pipeline using only open-source tools) but this looks promising so maybe I won't have to.

SVN Access Manager is a powerful tool for managing access to subversion repositories. The tool provides user and group management and access rights (read /write) to dedicated paths in a repository as well.

SVN Access Manager uses projects to give users the rights to manage their own modules in a repository. Project is used substitutionary for a toplevel directory.

Tahoe-LAFS is a Free and Open cloud storage system. It distributes your data across multiple servers. Even if some of the servers fail or are taken over by an attacker, the entire filesystem continues to function correctly, including preservation of your privacy and security.

A one-page summary explains the unique properties of this system.

Deltacloud provides the API server and drivers necessary for connecting to cloud providers.

Deltacloud maintains long-term stability for scripts, tools and applications and backward compatibility across different versions.

Using single API Deltacloud enables management of resources in different clouds.

Start an instance on an internal cloud, then with the same code start another on EC2 or RHEV-M.

MediaGoblin is a free software media publishing platform that anyone can run. You can think of it as a decentralized alternative to Flickr, YouTube, SoundCloud, etc. It's also:

* The perfect tool to show and share your media! * Building tools to empower the world through decentralization! * Built for extensibility. Multiple media types, including video support! * Part of the GNU project and devoted to user freedom. * Powered by a community of people like you.

Whonix is an anonymous general purpose operating system based on Virtual Box, Ubuntu GNU/Linux and Tor. By Whonix design, IP and DNS leaks are impossible. Not even malware with root rights can find out the user's real IP/location.

Whonix consists of two machines, which are connected through an isolated network. One machine acts as the client or Whonix-Workstation, the other as a proxy or Whonix-Gateway, which will route all of the Whonix-Workstation's traffic through Tor. This setup can be implemented either through virtualization and/or Physical Isolation.

It's great to see Africa starting to explore the benefits of open source not only as a way of rolling out software more cheaply than would be the case for proprietary programs, whose Western pricing makes them particularly costly for emerging nations, but also as an effective means of building up a vibrant indigenous software industry that is not based simply on shovelling lots of money to the US.

However, it's sad to see that Microsoft seems to have learned nothing from its earlier, unsuccessful attempts to spread FUD about open source, and seems intent on recapitulating that shabby and rather pathetic history in Africa too.

w3af is a Web Application Attack and Audit Framework. The project's goal is to create a framework to find and exploit web application vulnerabilities that is easy to use and extend..

In this webinar you will learn the key differences between Zimbra Collaboration Server and Microsoft Exchange. Discover how next-generation products like Zimbra are dramatically lowering TCO and improving user productivity.

Ansible is a radically simple model-driven configuration management, deployment, and command execution framework. Other tools in this space have been too complicated for too long, require too much bootstrapping, and have too much learning curve. Ansible is dead simple and painless to extend. For comparison, Puppet and Chef have about 60k lines of code. Ansible’s core is a little over 1000 lines.


Where Ansible excels though, is expressing complex multi-node deployment processes, executing ordered sequences on different sets of nodes through Playbooks. Playbooks contain one or more plays, each executed against a different batch of nodes. Think about webservers, database servers, and backend servers in a multi-node web environment. A play can address each set of machines in a cycle, ensuring the configurations of the machines were correct and also updating them to the specified version of software if required.

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