
A group of European publishers has signed a declaration that aims to see its draconian Automated Content Access Protocol forced on search engines and news aggregators by legislation.

Till skillnad från redan existerande bloggar och forum ska Riket.se enligt grundarna ta ett helhetsgrepp om den politiska debatten. Sajten kommer bestå av tre delar. En informationsdel där man bl.a. presenterar information om politiker och den politiska processen, en interaktionsdel med verktyg för direkt dialog och diskussion mellan politiker och medborgare, samt en redaktionsdel med lättillgänglig politisk rapportering. Den stora mängd data som skapas genom informationsutbytet på sidan görs sökbar och ska därför underlätta för besökaren att ta ställning i politiska frågor.

Thus, the Pirate Party's proposal would give proprietary software developers the use of GPL-covered source code after 5 years, but it would not give free software developers the use of proprietary source code, not after 5 years or even 50 years. The Free World would get the bad, but not the good. The difference between source code and object code and the practice of using EULAs would give proprietary software an effective exception from the general rule of 5-year copyright — one that free software does not share.

Russia's most powerful business lobby moved to clamp down on Skype and its peers this week, telling lawmakers that the Internet phone services are a threat to Russian businesses and to national security.


"Without government restrictions, IP telephony causes certain concerns about security," the lobby's press release said. "Most of the service operators working in Russia, such as Skype and Icq, are foreign. It is therefore necessary to protect the native companies in this sector and so forth."

The agreement also calls for all pureplays to pay an annual minimum fee of $25,000, which can later be applied to royalties. [Goodbye to indie radio stations?]

The major browser makers have been unable to agree on an encoding format they will support in their products, wrote Ian Hickson, editor of the HTML 5 specification for the World Wide Web Consortium (W3C).

It seems to be a constant throughout history: In every period, people believed things that were just ridiculous, and believed them so strongly that you would have gotten in terrible trouble for saying otherwise.

Is our time any different? To anyone who has read any amount of history, the answer is almost certainly no. It would be a remarkable coincidence if ours were the first era to get everything just right.

Störs du av att engelskan tycks breda ut sig på svenskans bekostnad i tid och otid? Anser du det vara en rättighet att i Sverige få t.ex. bruksanvisningar och resevillkor på svenska? Irriteras du av att det visas så många långfilmer på engelska och så få på svenska och andra språk liksom av att så många reklaminslag i tv och i andra massmedia i Sverige är på engelska? Ifrågasätter du kravet att skriva akademiska avhandlingar direkt på engelska vid så många utbildningar vid svenska universitet? Misstänker du att svenskspråkiga förlorar på att svenska företag går över till engelska som koncernspråk [...]? [...] I så fall borde vår webbplats intressera dig.

By wildly overstating its claims on many countries, the US has undermined its credibility and confirmed criticisms that the report lacks reliability or objective analysis.

The researchers claim that a market economy, where inventors buy and sell shares of the key elements of their discoveries, beats the winner-takes-all patent system, especially in terms of the number of beneficiaries, levels of collaboration and pace of development.

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