
A vast proportion of software at work today is horribly over-engineered for its task. And I’m not talking about the interfaces, about having too many controls or options for the users. These are, indeed, terrible sins but they are the visible ones. The worst of the overengineering goes on under the surface, in the code itself.


The most insidious cause of overengineering is over-generalizing. We will over-generalize anything given half a chance. Writing code to work with a list of students? Well, we might want to work with teachers and the general public someday, better add a base People class and subclass Student from that. Or Person and then EducationPerson and then Student. Yes, that’s better, right?

Only, now we have three classes to maintain each with their own virtual methods and interfaces and probably split across three different files plus the one we were working in when a one-line dictionary would have been fine.

You never develop code without version control, why do you develop your database without it?

LiquiBase is an open source (LGPL), database-independent library for tracking, managing and applying database changes. It is built on a simple premise: All database changes are stored in a human readable yet trackable form and checked into source control.

Our core product is an open source software involvement engine. For developers, we provide tools to demonstrate and broaden their experience and expertise in the open source community. Our vision is to make the open source community better connected, more productive, and ultimately well rewarded for its expertise.

This codelab is built around Jarlsberg /yärlz'·bərg/, a small, cheesy web application that allows its users to publish snippets of text and store assorted files. "Unfortunately," Jarlsberg has multiple security bugs ranging from cross-site scripting and cross-site request forgery, to information disclosure, denial of service, and remote code execution. The goal of this codelab is to guide you through discovering some of these bugs and learning ways to fix them both in Jarlsberg and in general.

The codelab is organized by types of vulnerabilities. In each section, you'll find a brief description of a vulnerability and a task to find an instance of that vulnerability in Jarlsberg. Your job is to play the role of a malicious hacker and find and exploit the security bugs. In this codelab, you'll use both black-box hacking and white-box hacking.

This tutorial will show you how to consume and process data from Twitter's new streaming API. The code examples, which are written in the Python programming language, demonstrate how to establish a long-lived HTTP connection with PyCurl, buffer the incoming data, and process it to perform the basic message display functions of a Twitter client application. We will also take a close look at how the new streaming API differs from the existing polling-based REST API.

Every time the subject of checked versus runtime exceptions comes up, someone cites Bruce Eckel as an argument by authority. This is unfortunate, because, as much as I like and respect Bruce, he is out to sea on this one. Nor is it merely a matter of opinion. In this case, Bruce is factually incorrect. He believes things about checked exceptions that just aren’t true; and I think it’s time to lay his misconceptions to rest once and for all.


Checked exceptions never meant that every exception had to be caught as soon as it was thrown. It is perfectly acceptable to declare that a method throws a checked exception. Indeed, this is exactly how exceptions are meant to be used. It warns whoever calls your method that they need to be ready for this exceptional condition, and they either need to catch it and handle it themselves; or, they themselves need to declare that they throw it so that they warn their callers.

In computer networking, the term quality of services (QoS) describes resource management rather than the quality of a service. Quality of services implements control mechanism to provide different priority to different users, applications, and data connections. It is used to guarantee a certain level of performance to data resources. The term quality of service is often used in the field of wide area network protocols (e.g. ATM) and telephony (e.g. VoIP) but rarely in conjunction with web applications. mod_qos is a quality of service module for the Apache web server implementing control mechanisms that can provide different priority to different HTTP requests.

VisualText is the premier integrated development environment for building information extraction systems, natural language processing systems, and text analyzers. The Professional version is now FREE for personal, internal, academic, development, and non-commercial use.

Train your programming skills with ready-made 'Code Katas' and learn from fellow coders' solutions!

What's a Code Kata?

It's a small exercise to improve your programming skills - by challenging your abilities and encouraging you to find multiple approaches.

Let's say your site is becoming a big success and as a result it's becoming slower and slower. There are several things you do without buying additional hardware:


* Install Squid

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