
Unprecedented data volumes are driving businesses to look at alternatives to the traditional relational database technology that has served us well for over thirty years.

Collectively, these alternatives have become known as “NoSQL databases.”

Brief overview of non-relational databases follows.

HANDY ONE-LINERS FOR SED (Unix stream editor) Oct. 29, 1997

compiled by Eric Pement <epement@jpusa.chi.il.us> version 4.3

Since I've started my new career as a venture capitalist I have become keenly aware of some of the classic mistakes that geeks make when trying to raise money for a new business. Instead of writing the same comments over and over again I thought I'd try to summarize some of the mistakes that people -- especially smart people -- make when they decide to try to turn their bright ideas into money. Here then is my top-ten list of geek business myths:

Reckless and misguided laws, often originating at the state level, threaten to undermine the foundation of the free and open Internet. Some of the most serious threats to the Internet come in the form of lawmakers trying to 'fix' it.


NetChoice is dedicated to fighting these attacks on core Internet principles. Through this site, the Internet Advocates' Watchlist For Ugly Laws (iAWFUL) will track dangerous legislation and mobilize citizens to defeat bills and proposals that threaten the future of ecommerce and online communication.

Crank Dot Net is devoted to presenting Web sites by and about cranks, crankism, crankishness, and crankosity. All cranks, all the time.

A simple method for rating potentially revolutionary contributions to physics:

There are now a plethora of comic books that can be read in full online, completely legally (at least, 99% of them) and at absolutely no cost. Here I have endeavored to collect as many of these as possible, now totalling over 300 full issues and stories, in one place.

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