
Plastnappar, ballonger och foppatofflor. De flesta föräldrar har liten eller ingen aning om hur många kemikalier som omger deras barn. Miljöjournalisten Katarina Johansson vill få oss att tänka efter och börja ställa krav.

Although the vast majority of fish tested off the Tohoku region remain below recently tightened food safety limits for cesium-134 and cesium-137, government data show that 40 percent of bottom fish, including cod, flounder and halibut, are still above the limit, Ken Buesseler, a marine chemist at the Woods Hole Oceanographic Institution in Massachusetts, wrote in an article published Thursday in the journal Science.

The authorities are wasting time cleaning up evacuated areas, instead of prioritizing decontamination efforts in places where people live, Greenpeace said.

The organization found some school facilities and parks in Fukushima city where radiation was above 3 microsieverts per hour. The legally recommended limit is 0.23 microsieverts per hour.


“The government continues to downplay radiation risks and give false hope (of returning home) to victims of this nuclear disaster,” a representative of the organization said.

Meat from a cow shipped by a farmer in Tome was found to contain more than 150 becquerels of radioactive cesium per kilogram, the Miyagi Prefectural Government said Wednesday.

The stricter limit of 150 becquerels for beef and rice took effect Oct. 1. The previous limit was 500 becquerels per kilogram.

It is the first time beef with radioactive cesium levels above the tightened limit has been found.

In a typical example, at Beth Israel Deaconess Medical Center in Boston, 664 pieces of medical equipment are running on older Windows operating systems that manufactures will not modify or allow the hospital to change—even to add antivirus software—because of disagreements over whether modifications could run afoul of U.S. Food and Drug Administration regulatory reviews, Fu says.

As a result, these computers are frequently infected with malware, and one or two have to be taken offline each week for cleaning, says Mark Olson, chief information security officer at Beth Israel.

Medical equipment running Windows? Old versions of Windows? Without security patches? And without any kind of malware protection? Yeah, sounds like a good idea. What could possibly go wrong?

The temperature in the Fukushima Daiichi Unit 4 spent fuel pool never exceeded 90 degrees C and the level in the pool never fell below the top of the used fuel that was stored there. The Chairman of the US Nuclear Regulatory Commission and the people who supported his testimony to Congress on the afternoon of March 16, 2011 were dead wrong.


Those are the conclusions that should have been announced upon completion of a paper titled _Study of Fukushima Daiichi Nuclear Power Station Unit 4 Spent-Fuel Pool_.

Be that as it may. As a layperson, I might question the wisdom in storing tons and tons of radioactive and heat-generating spent fuel for extended periods of time in an on-premise pool. But what do I know?

Wearing white protective gear and wielding sickles, officials of the Okuma town government on Oct. 10 cut and bundled rice plants grown in the no-entry zone established after last year's nuclear disaster.

The plants were cultivated on an experimental basis to determine the radiation level of rice grown in radioactively contaminated soil.


"We cannot imagine when people of this town can return to their homes. It may be several years from now or several decades from now. But we hope that the result of this experiment will help farmers who want to return to this town to resume their farming in the future," said Kiyoyuki Matsumoto, 35, a town government official who is managing the two plots of the rice field.

Doctors and government health officials should set limits, as they do for alcohol, on the amount of time children spend watching screens – and under-threes should be kept away from the television altogether, according to a paper in an influential medical journal published on Tuesday.

Once the nuke story got running, it was unstoppable. Instead of filming endless actual suffering, photographers in Japan staked out hospitals hoping to find radiation victims to fan their virtual fire of doom. After weeks of waiting they finally got a couple of burned feet and the vision flashed around the world at light speed. Amputation footage from the real disaster would have crawled.

Over the past year, about 600,000 Japanese will have had a new cancer diagnosis caused by the normal range of lifestyle choices, environmental hazards and genetic factors. Boring.

How many people have died from the radiation released by the failures of the Fukushima Daichi reactor? Zero. “It’s a disaster”, says ACF. No it isn’t.

Önskar du dina barn och barnbarn ett långt och friskt liv? Om du är man bör du i så fall skaffa barn sent i livet. Ännu bättre är om din egen far också var till åren kommen när han fick dig, enligt en ny studie.

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