
MusE is a MIDI/Audio sequencer with recording and editing capabilities written originally by Werner Schweer now developed and maintained by the MusE development team. MusE aims to be a complete multitrack virtual studio for Linux, it is published under the GNU General Public License.

Edwyn Collins has been barred from streaming his own song through MySpace. Management for the former Orange Juice frontman have been unable to convince the website that they own the rights to A Girl Like You, despite the fact that they, er, do.

The JW FLV Player is the Internet's most popular and flexible media player. It supports playback of any format the Adobe Flash Player can handle (FLV, MP4, MP3, AAC, JPG, PNG and GIF). It also supports RTMP, HTTP, live streaming, various playlists formats, a wide range of settings and an extensive javascript API.

The skinning functionality allows you to completely customize its look and its plugin architecture allows you to easily extend the player with features such as sharing, recommendations, searching, analytics and ad serving.

Enligt skivbolagens internationella samarbetsorganisation IFPI kopierades 40 miljarder musikfiler olagligt under 2008. Om varje låt var värd 160 000 kronor skulle det innebära att den totala skadan var 6,4 miljoner miljarder kronor.

När skivförsäljningen i världen nådde sin topp i början av 2000-talet sålde man enligt samma organisation skivor för 27 miljarder dollar, cirka 200 miljarder kronor. Den påstådda förlusten av fildelningen som man grundade skadeståndsanspråken på var alltså drygt 30 000 gånger större än vad skivförsäljningen någonsin inbringat. Domen mot Tenenbaum handlade alltså inte om ersättning för en skada, den är en del av en ny affärsmodell för skivbolagen.

Through the Music Rules! website, teachers can download program materials in PDF or print out a fax-back order form to request printed copies. For parents, the site offers PDF brochures that provide background on intellectual property issues and tips for keeping the family safe online. The site also provides a list of useful online resources and a feedback form for your comments and suggestions.

In this case, we turn to Kim Cascone, an experienced and gifted musician and composer with an impressive resume of releases and a rich sens of sound. This isn’t someone advocating any platform over another: it’s an on-the-ground, in-the-trenches, real-world example of how Kim made this set of tools work in his music, in the studio and on tour. A particular thanks, as he’s given me some new ideas for how to work with Audacity and Baudline. Kim puts his current setup in the context of decades of computer work. Even if you’re not ready to leave Mac (or Windows) just yet, Kim’s workflow here could help if you’re looking to make a Linux netbook or laptop more productive in your existing rig.

This simple program converts bitmap images to sounds, and vice versa. Every line of loaded image is assumed to be a spectrum of sound, and it is converted to sound signal by means of inverse Fourie transform, or ...

Berryz Koubou's 16th Single 'Jingisukan' (Dschinghis Khan) (ジンギスカン (Romaji: Jingisukan; English: Genghis Khan))

This is a stock music production library under Creative Commons licensing. You can license the tunes royalty free if you provide a link back or credit to "Free Music by DanoSongs.com". People also do leave tips. You may download, copy and listen to the tracks without a link. There is no cost for downloading or buyout fee for licensing. The songs can be included in podcasting so they are podsafe. Other uses for the clips might be for background instrumental beds in film, tv, video, games, websites, songs and even your social network page.

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