robots.txt Validator and Testing Tool, posted Jul '24 by peter in development free online testing
Test and validate your robots.txt with this testing tool. Check if a URL is blocked, which statement is blocking it and for which user agent. You can also check if the resources for the page (CSS, JavaScript, images) are disallowed.
Infinite Mac is a collection of classic Macintosh and NeXT system releases and software, all easily accessible from the comfort of a (modern) web browser.
Pick any version of System Software/Mac OS or NeXTStep/OPENSTEP from the 1980s or 1990s and run it (and major software of that era) within a virtual machine. You can also run a custom version with your choice of machine and virtual disks. Files can be imported and exported using drag and drop, and System 7 and onward have more advanced integrations as well – refer to the welcome screen in each machine for more details.
What is a Vector Database & How Does it Work? Use Cases + Examples | Pinecone, posted Jun '24 by peter in ai development reference storage toread
A vector database indexes and stores vector embeddings for fast retrieval and similarity search, with capabilities like CRUD operations, metadata filtering, horizontal scaling, and serverless.
We develop products, that
- stop microplastic pollution
- are easy to integrate into your daily routines
- raise awareness about the consequences of microplastics in the environment
Generative AI for Krita, posted May '24 by peter in ai development free graphics opensource software
Generate images from within Krita with minimal fuss: Select an area, push a button, and new content that matches your image will be generated. Or expand your canvas and fill new areas with generated content that blends right in. Text prompts are optional. No tweaking required!
The Beautiful Dissociation of the Japanese Language, posted Apr '24 by peter in history japan language literature
The thing is (I tell those people) the language is part of the wonders of the place. It was the biggest charm for me in the first place. It's complex, yes, but it's rich and quirky and different. In particular, a whole realm of consciousness exists in the sphere of Japanese speakers that's perhaps truly unique in the world, more so than the sushi and the nature and decorum. It even allows for new literary techniques that are unimaginable in any other language.
Russian Orthodox Church declares “Holy War” against Ukraine and West, posted Apr '24 by peter in fascism opinion politics russia ukraine war
By defining the invasion in explicitly spiritual terms, the Russian Orthodox Church hopes to whitewash the war crimes being committed in Ukraine and encourage more ordinary Russians to volunteer. Moscow’s recent declaration of a holy war also sends an unmistakable message to anyone in the West who still believes in the possibility of striking some kind of compromise with the Kremlin. While Putin initially sought to justify the invasion as a pragmatic response to the growth of NATO, it is now apparent that he views the war as a sacred mission and will not stop until Ukraine has been wiped off the map of Europe.
How to think about HTML responsive images, posted Apr '24 by peter in css development graphics howto html reference webdesign
Here’s how I made sense of responsive image content, progressing from simpler to more complicated — and then back to simple.
What I wish I’d known about Yocto, posted Apr '24 by peter in development documentation linux reference
Using the Yocto Project is fairly easy, until something goes wrong. Without an understanding of how the build process works, you’ll find yourself trying to troubleshoot “a black box”. Here are a few items that new users wished they had known before embarking on their first build with Yocto Project. Feel free to contact us with other suggestions.
No More Angry Birds: Investigating Touchscreen Ergonomics to Improve Tablet-Based Enrichment for Parrots, posted Apr '24 by peter in bird cognition science toread
Touchscreen devices, ubiquitous in humans' day-to-day life, offer a promising avenue for animal enrichment. With advanced cognitive abilities, keen visual perception, and adeptness to engage with capacitive screens using dexterous tongues, parrots are uniquely positioned to benefit from this technology. Additionally, pet parrots often lack appropriate stimuli, supporting the need for inexpensive solutions using off-the-shelf devices. However, the current human-centric interaction design standards of tablet applications do not optimally cater to the tactile affordances and ergonomic needs of parrots. To address this, we conducted a study with 20 pet parrots, examining their tactile interactions with touchscreens and evaluating the applicability of existing HCI interaction models. Our research highlights key ergonomic characteristics unique to parrots, which include pronounced multi-tap behavior, a critical size threshold for touch targets, and greater effectiveness of larger targets over closer proximity. Based on these insights, we propose guidelines for tablet-based enrichment systems for companion parrots.
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