Jamendo: Industrial, posted 2007 by peter in download mp3 music streaming
Amie Street is a place to discover, download and share music of every genre, from all over the world. Whether you come to Amie Street for two minutes or two hours, we'll help you find new music you'll love.
How do we do this? It starts with a new approach to selling music: On Amie Street, the community determines the price. Every song starts free, or very cheap, and increases in price, up to 98 cents, as more and more people purchase it.
Jamendo, posted 2007 by peter in business creativecommons download free mp3 music streaming
Jamendo is the world's #1 platform for free and legal music downloads. Available in seven languages, it offers the largest Creative Commons-licensed music catalog there is. For artists, it's an easy and efficient way to publish, share and promote their music, but also to make money through ad revenue sharing and commercial partnerships.
SoundClick, posted 2007 by peter in creativecommons download mp3 music streaming
Bookmark, posted 2007 by peter in copyright creativecommons download free inspiration mp3 music
Opsound is a gift economy in action, an experiment in applying the model of free software to music. Musicians and sound artists are invited to add their work to the Opsound pool using a copyleft license developed by Creative Commons. Listeners are invited to download, share, remix, and reimagine.
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