


www.ninjaakasaka.com/, posted 2010 by peter in drink food japan todo tokyo

店内は戦国時代の忍者屋敷を模した個室が迷宮のように複雑に配置され、滝や池があり、風の音、すず虫やコオロギなどの鳴き声が流れています。そんな環境の中で和食をベースにしたヘルシーな創作料理をお楽しみいただけます。また忍者がお客様のお部屋を回り忍術(テーブルマジック)をご披露いたします。 ヘルシーな料理と驚きのプレゼンテーション、エンターティメントにあふれたレストランです。

Allegedly awesome, but pricey, ninja-themed restaurant in Akasaka, Tokyo.

幽霊って見たことある?? それが吉祥寺に出るんだよ!

うまい酒 が飲めて『おいしい串揚げ』 や 『おもしろメニュー』 を頂きながらかわいい幽霊が見れるんだ。話の種に1度来てみなよ!!


"Ghost Izakaya" in Kichijōji, Tokyo.

“Shaking Tokyo” is about an agoraphobic man, called hikikomori in Japanese. He sustains himself on pizza, living off of money left to him by his father. One day, he does the unthinkable: he makes eye contact with a pretty delivery girl — the first eyes he’s set upon in 10 years. At this moment, the earthquake occurs.

A consortium of 11 railway companies launched the one-year pilot project last month, and has set up 27 of the high-tech advertising displays in subway commuter stations around Tokyo.

"The camera can distinguish a person's sex and approximate age, even if the person only walks by in front of the display, at least if he or she looks at the screen for a second," said a spokesman for the project.

If data for different locations is analysed, companies can provide interactive advertisements "which meet the interest of people who use the station at a certain time," the project said in a statement.

Japanese carrier All Nippon Airways announced this morning that it will be the first airline ever to offer beer on tap during flights. The kegs are going to be installed and running on domestic flights -- mostly to and from the island chain of Okinawa -- from July 20.

At ¥800-1,000, the prices are comprable to what you'd expect in most Tokyo bars. According to Japan Probe, the service has previously been problematic to install due to air pressure issues. Nevertheless, only 20 cups worth will be available on all but the Tokyo-Okinawa service, so get your orders in shortly after take-off!

Welcome to the only site on the web featuring an eclectic mix of Japanese verb conjugation and gratuitous pictures of alien monsters

This is a free online dictionary for learning the Kanji of Japanese used in daily life. You can lookup the details and pronunciations of the Kanji. Each Kanji is presented by a grade, a stroke count, an enlarging image with Kyokasho (Kyoukasho) font, stroke order, radical, English meaning, On-yomi (phonetic reading), Kun-yomi (native Japanese reading), the example of each reading, and Irregular reading. Moreover by the audio files, you can listen to the pronunciation of reading, example, and Irregular reading. These audio files are pronounced by native speaker of Japanese. An accent and intonation are Tokyo Style which is the most standard pronunciation in Japan. (Reference: NHK Japanese pronouncing dictionary)

Now you can search 3222 Kanji. These Kanji include the Joyo (Jouyou) Kanji (grade 1-7, 1945 characters), and Jinmei Kanji (grade 8, 895 characters), and grade 9 Kanji used in daily life. *All the Kanji lists and available contents included in this dictionary.

On June 7th, the Cultural Council, under the Agency for Cultural Affairs, formally submitted their proposal for the revision of the official list of kanji for common use, increasing the character count by nearly ten percent in order to match the Japanese language with the digital age, Japanese media reports have indicated.


The number has not always been 1,945 characters, the Mainichi noted. A list of 1,962 characters was set in 1923, and then reduced to 1,858 characters in 1931. In 1942, during the nationalistic fever of WWII, the number popped up 2,528 characters, but was then brought back down to 1,850 in 1946.

I will introduce you to some of the basic Japanese Smileys(Emoticons), which is used in e-mails very often in Japan. You can try them as I explain them.

Looking largely to inspire dreams of space among the Japanese, a manufacturing cooperative named Astro-Technology SOHLA announced on April 27th that they are planning to create and send a two-legged humanoid robot to the moon, have it draw the Japanese flag on the surface, and then hopefully get it back to the Earth, all by the year 2015.

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