Xmarks Blog » End of the Road for Xmarks, posted 2010 by peter in bookmarking business collaboration history startup sync
The past four years have been a wild ride for us: growing something from nothing to substantial scale, providing a simple service that people love because it simplifies their lives. We’ve learned tons along the way, often by making big mistakes. We’re really sorry that this last lesson means that you’ll have to find an alternative to Xmarks, but the alternatives exist and you’ll have no problem finding them.
Personalized Beer Recommendations | Pintley, posted 2010 by peter in beer collaboration drink reference review search
Pintley is a new kind of beer website—one that only recommends beer you're sure to love.
Unlike other beer sites, Pintley doesn't just know beer; it also knows you. Pintley learns from your ratings and tasting notes to understand exactly what pleases your palate the most, so you can be your own beer expert.
Easy project management and collaboration software: Wedoist, posted 2010 by peter in collaboration free management online
Manage your projects with Wedoist and improve your productivity and collaboration.
Bookmark, posted 2010 by peter in audio collaboration community free indie music online streaming
on thesixtyone, new artists make music & listeners decide what's good
Installing the Elgg Social Networking CMS, posted 2010 by peter in collaboration howto social software toread
Open Source CMSes are the latest rage it seems, and we've tried out dozens. One that stands out above the rest for small businesses and personal networks is the Elgg open source "social engine," which can be used to create social applications. In this article we'll take you through the installation of Elgg, and show you how to get started with this social networking CMS.
WebCollab, posted 2010 by peter in collaboration development free management software
A collaborative web-based system for projects and project management; WebCollab is easy to use, and encourages users to work together. The software is functionally elegant and secure without being cumbersome for users, or graphically intensive.
The software is ideally suited to tracking multiple projects and innumerable small tasks across an organisation of any size. If you have reminder notes stuck all over your desk, then you need WebCollab!
OpenStreetMap, posted 2010 by peter in collaboration free map reference software travel
OpenStreetMap is a free editable map of the whole world. It is made by people like you.
OpenStreetMap allows you to view, edit and use geographical data in a collaborative way from anywhere on Earth.
EtherPad: Realtime Collaborative Text Editing, posted 2009 by peter in collaboration google online writing
EtherPad is the only web-based word processor that allows people to work together in really real-time.
When multiple people edit the same document simultaneously, any changes are instantly reflected on everyone's screen. The result is a new and productive way to collaborate on text documents, useful for meeting notes, drafting sessions, education, team programming, and more.
Online Presentations - SlideRocket, posted 2009 by peter in collaboration design flash free
SlideRocket is a revolutionary new approach to presentations. It's the only presentation software that allows you to create stunning presentations, manage them intelligently, share them securely and then measure the results. SlideRocket also includes an online marketplace where you can find all the content and services you might need to make your presentations great. SlideRocket goes beyond traditional presentation tools by harnessing the power of the Internet and making everything available to you in an integrated and intuitive online interface. SlideRocket is provided in a software-as-a-service model in a variety of price points starting at free.
AbiCollab - Collaboration made easy!, posted 2009 by peter in collaboration free software versioncontrol writing is a collaboration service based around the free AbiWord word processor. It allows you to write documents together with your friends in real time.
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