Design fonts in your web browser.
Vintage Logos, posted 2008 by peter in art design graphics inspiration retro typography
Collection of vintage logos from a mid-70's edition of the book World of Logotypes.
The Em, posted 2008 by peter in design reference typography
If you ask a type designer, a typographer, and a software engineer to define the em, you will probably get three different answers. The answers will not necessarily contradict each other; they are just from different points of view.
30 Fonts That ALL Designers Must Own, posted 2008 by peter in design font inspiration list typography webdesign
There are 15 serif fonts and 15 sans-serif fonts. These fonts will last you your whole career!
iPaper, posted 2008 by peter in conversion design flash graphics typography webdesign
iPaper is a document format built for the Internet. Like a YouTube video, iPaper documents are Flash widgets which you embed in your existing web pages.
Award-Winning Newspaper Designs, posted 2008 by peter in design inspiration list typography
This issue of monday inspiration series is supposed to provide you with some examples of outstanding newspaper designs which have been rewarded with prestigious awards (see references at the bottom of this post), and demonstrate unusual approaches of news
Yahoo! UI Library: Reset CSS, posted 2007 by peter in css design download typography webdesign
The foundational YUI Reset CSS file removes and neutralizes the inconsistent default styling of HTML elements, creating a level playing field across A-grade browsers and providing a sound foundation upon which you can explicitly declare your intentions.
How to Size Text in CSS, posted 2007 by peter in css typography webdesign
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