High Scalability - High Scalability - DuckDuckGo Architecture - 1 Million Deep Searches a Day and Growing, posted 2013 by peter in development nlp scalability search
This is an interview with Gabriel Weinberg, founder of Duck Duck Go and general all around startup guru, on what DDG’s architecture looks like in 2012.
MathFiction Homepage, posted 2012 by peter in fiction list literature math search
Do you like fiction and mathematics? Are you looking for a book or story that might be useful for the students in your math class? Are you interested in what our society thinks about mathematicians? Then you've come to the right place. This database lists over one thousand short stories, plays, novels, films, and comic books containing math or mathematicians.
Uchronia: The Alternate History List, posted 2012 by peter in history list literature reference scifi search
Uchronia: The Alternate History List is a bibliography of over 3100 novels, stories, essays and other printed material involving the "what ifs" of history.
The genre has a variety of names, but it is best known as alternate history. In an alternate history, one or more past events are changed and the subsequent effects on history somehow described. This description may comprise the entire plotline of a novel, or it may just provide a brief background to a short story. Perhaps the most common themes in alternate history are "What if the Nazis won World War II?" and "What if the Confederacy won the American Civil War?"
Getting Started - Making AJAX Applications Crawlable - Google Code, posted 2011 by peter in development google javascript reference search webdesign
Briefly, the solution works as follows: the crawler finds a pretty AJAX URL (that is, a URL containing a #! hash fragment). It then requests the content for this URL from your server in a slightly modified form. Your web server returns the content in the form of an HTML snapshot, which is then processed by the crawler. The search results will show the original URL.
imgSeek is a collection of free open source visual similarity projects. The query (image you are looking for) can be expressed either as a rough sketch painted by the user or as another image you supply (or an image in your collection). The searching algorithm makes use of multiresolution wavelet decomposition of the query and database images.
Personalized Beer Recommendations | Pintley, posted 2010 by peter in beer collaboration drink reference review search
Pintley is a new kind of beer website—one that only recommends beer you're sure to love.
Unlike other beer sites, Pintley doesn't just know beer; it also knows you. Pintley learns from your ratings and tasting notes to understand exactly what pleases your palate the most, so you can be your own beer expert.
Haavard - Google Instant works in Opera... if you work around Google's ..., posted 2010 by peter in google howto operabrowser search
Google Instant
is a new real-time search service from Google, which for some reason does not seem to work in Opera even though it supports all the other major browsers.
But on closer inspection, it turns out that it does work in Opera! All you need to do is to work around Google's browser sniffing and spoof as a different browser, as demonstrated by Bruce Lawson.
Find kanji by radicals - Denshi Jisho, posted 2010 by peter in japan language online reference search
Click on the parts that are in the kanji you are looking for. You can click on them again to de-select them.
Japanese Kanji Dictionary, posted 2010 by peter in audio education japan language reference search
This is a free online dictionary for learning the Kanji of Japanese used in daily life. You can lookup the details and pronunciations of the Kanji. Each Kanji is presented by a grade, a stroke count, an enlarging image with Kyokasho (Kyoukasho) font, stroke order, radical, English meaning, On-yomi (phonetic reading), Kun-yomi (native Japanese reading), the example of each reading, and Irregular reading. Moreover by the audio files, you can listen to the pronunciation of reading, example, and Irregular reading. These audio files are pronounced by native speaker of Japanese. An accent and intonation are Tokyo Style which is the most standard pronunciation in Japan. (Reference: NHK Japanese pronouncing dictionary)
Now you can search 3222 Kanji. These Kanji include the Joyo (Jouyou) Kanji (grade 1-7, 1945 characters), and Jinmei Kanji (grade 8, 895 characters), and grade 9 Kanji used in daily life. *All the Kanji lists and available contents included in this dictionary.
Bookmark search for books and compare prices — fast!, posted 2010 by peter in literature search webshop
We offer a quick way to compare the prices of any in-print and many out-of-print books at over a dozen online bookstores.
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