IcoMoon App - Icon Font Generator, posted 2013 by peter in conversion online typography webdesign
Browse and select icons to download them or make a font. You may import SVG images or fonts too.
LaTeX Templates, posted 2013 by peter in download free graphics reference text typography
This website is not designed to teach you how to use LaTeX. There is a great deal of information on that elsewhere, most of it for free. Rather, this website is designed to make LaTeX easy for the beginner as well as for the expert by providing heavily commented, easy to understand, templates for a diversity of document types. It is my hope that this website will decrease frustration, increase the use of LaTeX and provide a generally useful service to all who are interested.
writeLaTeX: Online Collaborative LaTeX Editor with Integrated Rapid Preview, posted 2013 by peter in collaboration free online text typography
WriteLaTeX is a free online collaborative LaTeX editor that first went live on September 30, 2011, and has been improving ever since.
Shapecatcher: Draw the Unicode character you want!, posted 2013 by peter in language online search text typography unicode
Draw something in the left box! And let shapecatcher help you to find the most similar unicode characters! Currently, there are 11817 unicode character glyphs in the database. Japanese, Korean and Chinese characters are currently not supported.
New High-Quality Free Fonts | Smashing Magazine, posted 2012 by peter in design font free list typography
In this selection, we’re pleased to present Signika, Plastic Type, Bariol, Alegreya, Metropolis, Typometry and other quality fonts. Please note that while most fonts are available for commercial projects, some are for personal use only and are clearly marked as such. Also, please read the licensing agreements carefully before using the fonts; they may change from time to time. Make sure to check the free quality fonts round-up from January 2011, too.
The Ultimate Guide to Golden Ratio Typography, posted 2012 by peter in design reference toread typography webdesign
Right now, there’s a mathematical symphony happening on your website.
Every single one of your readers is subconsciously aware of this symphony, and more important, they are all pre-programmed to respond to it in a particular way.
The question is this: Is your site’s symphony pleasing and inviting to your readers, or does it turn them off and make it harder to communicate with them?
Rubber — a wrapper for LaTeX and friends in Launchpad, posted 2011 by peter in development free linux opensource software typography writing
Rubber is a program whose purpose is to handle all tasks related to the compilation of LaTeX documents. This includes compiling the document itself, of course, enough times so that all references are defined, and running BibTeX to manage bibliographic references. Automatic execution of dvips to produce PostScript documents is also included, as well as usage of pdfLaTeX to produce PDF documents.
Treatise on Font Rasterisation, posted 2011 by peter in design development graphics reference toread typography
Font rasterisation is, in the author’s opinion, one of the most interesting fields of computer science. If music is the subjective application of physics, then font rasterisation is almost certainly the subjective application of computer science. The purpose of this article is threefold: firstly, to provide an introduction into the various methods available to aid in the rasterisation process; secondly, to provide a critical analysis of these methods against the needs of desktop applications; and finally, to relate this analysis to free software.
Figures, in the form of bitmap images, are used extensively throughout. This is done to ensure consistent results across different platforms. Since some of the figures make use of sub-pixel rendering, this article is best viewed on an LCD screen.
Kern.js - Make web kerning suck less., posted 2011 by peter in design javascript typography webdesign
To start using Kern.JS, first deploy the easy-to-use Lettering.JS on your page. Once installed, come back here and drag the big blue icon to your bookmarks bar. Letters can be kerned by selecting and dragging them. For precision, try the arrow keys!
Shady Characters » The Pilcrow, part 1, posted 2011 by peter in history language toread typography
The pilcrow is not just some typographic curiosity, useful only for livening up a coffee-table book on graphic design or pointing the way to a paragraph in a mortgage deed, but a living, breathing character with its roots in the earliest days of punctuation. Born in ancient Rome, refined in medieval scriptoria, appropriated by England’s most famous modern typographer and finally rehabilitated by the personal computer, the story of the pilcrow is intertwined with the evolution of modern writing. It is the quintessential shady character.
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