Can Email Be Responsive? · An A List Apart Article, posted 2014 by peter in css email howto html toread
Love it or hate it, there’s no denying the popularity of HTML emails. And, like the web before it, the inbox has officially gone mobile—with over 50 percent of email opens occurring on mobile devices.
Building on the principles of responsive web design first codified by Ethan Marcotte, a revolution in email design is giving birth to an experience fast approaching that of the modern web. Subscribers need no longer be subjected to terrible reading experiences, frustrating touch targets, and tiny text.
DRY-ing Out Your Sass Mixins · An A List Apart Article, posted 2014 by peter in conversion css development howto toread webdesign
One of the most powerful features of the CSS preprocessor Sass is the mixin, an abstraction of a common pattern into a semantic and reusable chunk. Think of taking the styles for a button and, instead of needing to remember what all of the properties are, having a selector include the styles for the button instead. The button styles are maintained in a single place, making them easy to update and keep consistent.
CSS Variables in Firefox 29 • Cameron McCormack's blog, posted 2013 by peter in css development firefox html toread webdesign
As reported by Cameron McCormack, Firefox Nightly (version 29) now supports CSS variables. You can get a quick overview in this short screencast:
The Cicada Principle and Why It Matters to Web Designers - SitePoint, posted 2013 by peter in css design graphics howto math webdesign
As you can see, the tiles overlap and interact to generate new patterns and colors. And as we’re using magical prime numbers, this pattern will not repeat for a long, long time. § Exactly how long? 29px × 37px × 53px… or 56,869px! § Now this was something of a revelation to me. I actually had to triple-check my calculations, but the math is rock solid. Remember these are tiny graphics — less than 7kb in total — yet they are generating an area of original texture of almost 57,000 pixels wide.
jQuery Pin, posted 2013 by peter in css development free javascript software webdesign
Ever wanted to pin something to the side of a text? Ever needed a subtle sticky element to quietly hang around as you scroll down? jQuery.Pin is here to help! Pin any element to the top of a container. Easily disable it for smaller screen-sizes where there's no room for that kind of shenanigans.
mincss "Clears the junk out of your CSS" -, posted 2013 by peter in css development free python software
mincss (code on github) is a tool that when given a URL (or multiple URLs) downloads that page and all its CSS and compares each and every selector in the CSS and finds out which ones aren't used. The outcome is a copy of the original CSS but with the selectors not found in the document(s) removed.
Responsive Web Design - An Advanced Guide to HTML & CSS, posted 2013 by peter in css development html reference toread webdesign
Responsive web design is the practice of building a website suitable to work on every device and every screen size, no matter how large or small, mobile or desktop. Responsive web design is focused around providing an intuitive and gratifying experience for everyone. Desktop computer and cell phone users alike all benefit from responsive websites.
spin.js, posted 2011 by peter in animation css design free html javascript opensource
* No images, no external CSS
* No dependencies
* Highly configurable
* Resolution independent
* Works in all major browsers, including IE6
* Smaller than an animated GIF (3K minified, 1.7K gzipped)
* MIT License
How it works
Spin.js uses the CSS3 to render the UI, falling back to VML Internet Explorer. If supported by the browser, @keyframe rules are used to animate the spinner.
IE9 & HTML5, posted 2011 by peter in css html javascript microsoft standard webdesign
The reality is that IE9 is 2 years late. Microsoft is glad to come out with the <video> tag, the <canvas> tag, SVG, and some CSS3. Like other vendors did years ago. Firefox 3.5 had the <video> tag, the <canvas> tag, Geolocation, SVG in 2009. Canvas and SVG existed 5 years ago.
Reset cascading style sheets are bad practice " Steven Benner's Blog, posted 2010 by peter in css design opinion webdesign
The idea of the reset style sheet is to globally target every markup element and set all of its possible attributes to zero, default or inherit. This gives the developer a “clean slate” with no browser default styles. Many say that this is the first thing you should add when you start building a web page, but I firmly disagree.
I’m sure that I am one of the small minority of web developers who’s saying this, but reset style sheets are bad practice, and it’s time to stop using them.
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