Bookmark - Analyze your website speed and performance, posted 2013 by peter in development download free statistics testing webdesign is an open source tool that helps you analyze and optimize your website speed and performance based on performance best practices. It collects data from multiple pages on your website, analyze the pages using performance best practices rules and output the result as HTML-files or JUnit XML.
Kerbal Space Program, posted 2013 by peter in download free game linux mac simulation space windows
KSP is a game where the players create and manage their own space program. Build spacecraft, fly them, and try to help the Kerbals to fulfill their ultimate mission of conquering space. The game is currently under heavy development. This means the game will be improved on a regular basis, so be sure to check back for new updates. Right now, KSP is in Sandbox Complete state, but we want you to try it out and have fun with it. The first versions are free to download and play, and will remain so forever.
Lev Berry — Monstre, posted 2013 by peter in 3d download font free retro typography
Painted letters from 1882, found while browsing Patricia's uploaded ephemera on Flickr. I digitised Monstre to use across titles, logos, layouts and animations. Designers can manipulate five layers of lighting and shading to achieve the right look. Monstre retains original slight imperfections so as not to completely erase the feeling of the human touch when it was first coloured and shaded in 1882. Download the font, share it with friends, and email me if you use it in one of your projects. I'd love to see what you can do with it.
Tiden innan Trudvang | Riotminds, posted 2013 by peter in download free game inpdf inswedish reference retro
Här bjuder RiotMinds på ett stycke svensk rollspelshistoria! Först tänkte vi: Det som har varit, har varit! Sen tänkte vi: Varför inte? Och därför väljer vi nu att, som i ett led av det stora 30-årsjubileumet, släppa Drakar och Demoners historia fritt.
LaTeX Templates, posted 2013 by peter in download free graphics reference text typography
This website is not designed to teach you how to use LaTeX. There is a great deal of information on that elsewhere, most of it for free. Rather, this website is designed to make LaTeX easy for the beginner as well as for the expert by providing heavily commented, easy to understand, templates for a diversity of document types. It is my hope that this website will decrease frustration, increase the use of LaTeX and provide a generally useful service to all who are interested.
ChromiumOS Vanilla Nightly Builds, posted 2011 by peter in download free google linux opensource software virtualization
Want the latest and greatest that Chromium OS has to offer? Weren't one of the lucky ones to receive a Google Chrome Notebook? Vanilla is for you! Each day at around 6PM GMT the latest code is downloaded automatically and compiled into images you can try out, containing the latest changes. You can get images in either USB, VirtualBox or VMWare format. For the best experience, it's recommended you use the USB images. If these don't boot on your device then go ahead and try the VirtualBox or VMWare image. These should always work (assuming the build wasn't broken at the time they were built), but you'll find they're quite slow, because there's no graphical acceleration.
youtube-dl, posted 2011 by peter in download free linux mac python shell software video
youtube-dl is a small command-line program to download videos from and a few more sites. It requires the Python interpreter, version 2.x (x being at least 5), and it is not platform specific. It should work in your Unix box, in Windows or in Mac OS X. It is released to the public domain, which means you can modify it, redistribute it or use it however you like.
PhireWare - Software - Web - MobileCube, posted 2011 by peter in download email free messaging mobile software toread
MobileCube is a simple and clean theme that fits perfect with the Roundcube Mail system. It includes mail, contacts, and calendar that displays it in a simple, yet elegant way. MobileCube works with RoundCube 0.3.1+ so if you have RoundCube set up and installed, download MobileCube today and try it out! It's free! We hope you enjoy it!
Bookmark, posted 2011 by peter in download free modeling software
ArgoUML is the leading open source UML modeling tool and includes support for all standard UML 1.4 diagrams. It runs on any Java platform and is available in ten languages. See the feature list for more details.
ArgoUML 0.26 and 0.26.2 were downloaded over 80,000 times and are in use all over the world. See the download statistics.
ArgoUML is distributed under the Eclipse Public License (EPL) 1.0.
Dan Born - delatt, posted 2011 by peter in conversion download email free software
delatt: Delete attachments. delatt strips attachments from email, and can optionally save the attachments to files. It will work with either mbox or maildir files.
It's great for archiving old email without wasting space on attachments and the extra HTML message parts that some MUAs attach.
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