
The Archive of Interesting Code is an (ambitious) effort on my part to research, intuit, and code up every interesting algorithm and data structure ever invented. In doing so, I hope both to learn the mathematical techniques that power these technologies and to improve my skills as a programmer.

Catch common usability problems before user testing.

For drinkers who've foresworn a life of Sapporo and Super Dry, Tokyo is a much more welcoming place than it used to be. It's still worth making a pilgrimage to the legendary Popeye in Ryogoku, but you can now find Japanese and import microbrews on tap at many bars around the city – and some places are even starting to brew their own. Whether you're new to the scene or a hardcore boozehound chasing that next hop high, it's hard to go wrong with the following Tokyo craft beer bars...

Swedish, adding to all the awesomeness, has proven especially adept at coining new words for the new circumstances occasioned by new technologies. Below, some of the best Swedologisms I could find, via the Swedish news site The Local. We should, obviously, incorporate them into English as soon as possible.

So Google Reader is shutting down. This is obviously worrisome, mostly because the deprecation schedule is tight. But this is also a great news because Google Reader stopped innovating 5 years ago and yet was still the most visible RSS reader out there. [...] There are actually a ton of readers and I’ll focus on the web ones, because the web is my thing.

One of the least-tapped areas of local business website optimization continues to be semantic markup. Semantic markup can increase chances that information from your website will be highlighted in search engine results pages via rich snippets, attracting greater attention and clickthroughs. So, read on and use this checklist to see if you’re exploiting all elements possible for your local business website.

IDG-tidningen ”PC för Alla” har testat sex olika robotdammsugare. Allt ifrån enklare, billiga modeller från en tusenlapp till mer avancerade med ett pris på över 5.000 kronor.

Testets vinnare blev den dyraste modellen, Neato XV-25 (en förbättrad version av Neato XV-15), som även är den enda med 360 graders laserskanner som kartlägger rummet. Enligt ”PC för Alla” är det också den modell som har bäst sugförmåga.

Man konstaterar också att robotdammsugarna ännu inte är redo att ersätta den vanliga dammsugaren. Ett optimalt hem för en robotdammsugare har stora öppna ytor, är sparsamt möblerat, har inga sladdar eller mattor på golvet och eventuella trösklar bör vara låga.

A list of links to tutorials and documentation on how to install and deploy OpenStack.

Do you like fiction and mathematics? Are you looking for a book or story that might be useful for the students in your math class? Are you interested in what our society thinks about mathematicians? Then you've come to the right place. This database lists over one thousand short stories, plays, novels, films, and comic books containing math or mathematicians.

Teamwork and collaboration are critical to mission achievement in any organization that has to respond quickly to changing circumstances. My research in the U.S. intelligence community has not only affirmed that idea but also surfaced a number of mistaken beliefs about teamwork that can sidetrack productive collaboration. Here are six of them.

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